Home Sanitization

Office Sanitization

Car Sanitization

WE :

  • are specialize in cleaning and restoration.
  • are certified by the IIRC.
  • remove contaminants through air-filtering.
  • provide services to both residential and commercial establishments.
  • create custom cleaning and sanitizing packages for businesses.
  • have 24-hour customer service.
  • always send out certified technicians with experience in the field.
  • can always be relied upon to serve you in the best way we can!

Trained & Certified Decontamination Technicians

Due to COVID-19, we are now more aware than ever of sanitization and disinfection of both home and workplaces. Our teams of rigorously trained professionals ensure that your home or workplace are germ-free and meet current CDC and EPA standards.

COVID-19 Prevention

COVID-19 has been shown to possibly stay on a variety of surfaces for hours.
  • El CDC recomienda desinfectar las superficies, seguido de una limpieza a fondo, para prevenir la propagación del nuevo coronavirus.
  • El lavado regular de las manos es esencial para una buena higiene.
  • Las superficies que se tocan con frecuencia, como los pomos de las puertas, las mesas y los dispositivos electrónicos, deben desinfectarse periódicamente.
  • En este momento, se deben evitar los viajes discrecionales y la interacción social en persona.